Yes, thats probably itI see exam help little an excessive amount of of my own musical strivings in the story of Florence Foster Jenkins. Ive just watched the first five episodes of Oliver Stones The Untold History of the USA on Netflix. The thrust of his re telling of our modern historical past begins with an evaluation of Russias very nearly lone struggle towards Germany, transforming what we recall to mind as the main events of World War II into relatively minor clashesin terms of land area fought over, scale of destruction, length of time, quiz help number of lives lost quiz help persons woundedand the stats surely make that much plain. The Western Front was smaller, shorter, quiz help less bloody in lots of respectseven with the Pacific War thrown in, our War involved about exam help tenth of the scale quiz help horror of the fight among Hitler quiz help Stalin. As he maintains examination help explore the question of Trumans decision examination help use the bomb, he frames it as more exam help demonstration for the Soviets than exam help body blow exam help Japan. Stone shows that the tip of the Nazis enabled Russia exam help turn quiz help join the US, as agreed, in fighting Japan, months afterwardand that their statement in their intent exam help do socame at about an analogous time as the two nuclear blastsand was exam help great shock exam help an already battered Japan.