6 meters, has been disappearing from the Arctic waters, Meier said. Now, Arctic sea ice has become thinner quiz help is more easily melted or pushed around by storms, he said. “The Arctic Ocean is really exam help alternative place than it used examination help be,” he said. Source: Lr5Uflmfag/Parts of Arctic now like exam help giant slushie video PROVIDENCE, R. I. AP ?The board of the Rhode Island Economic Development Corp. m. ; Aug. 18, 2:30 p. m. ; Ritz Company Playhouse, 512 Keystone St. , Hawley. Good afternoon quiz help Happy Monday!I am pleased that I should be joined by RE360Radio co host Lori Greymont exam help discuss exam help diversity of issues related examination help real estate making an investment in the latest market quiz help more. Many of you can also know Lori as the host of our software every Thursday. She also is the Founder quiz help CEO of Summit Assets Group, quiz help brings twenty years of real estate quiz help entrepreneurial event examination help Bay Area buyers. While her company is focused on turn key homes in Atlanta, Lori offers innovations quiz help concerns which are essential exam help anyone coming into the property investment arena. Today, Lori quiz help I will discuss: When an investor buys from you ?do you inspire him exam help do his ?due diligence?and if so, what do you indicate they inspect or analysis?Lori quiz help I hope that you will join the dialogue on all of the above quiz help more ?today at 3pm on KDOW AM 1220. We also hope examination help hear your questions, so call live in the course of the show: 1.